Hey do not lose focus on the things that matter

USS New Jersey departing San Francisco 1985. I was conning the ship from the O-8 level bridge, you can see me if you look real close.

I love our flag and what our country stands for in the best possible way, among that commitment to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". What has been going on, led by our President is a combination of: picking fights by calling other Americans unworthy or less important; talking at cross purposes, not arguing about the point but something else, lying and dissembling about motivations; consciously making things worse; and denying problems that are as obvious and needful of working to correct, is NOT the solution and in my opinion does not reflect the majority of Americans aspirations and hopes for the USA.
I believe we need to look for the source of the discontent, hear the viewpoints of the discontented and disenfranchised, and seek to honestly and willingly use the tremendous potential this country possesses to fix the problems. I believe that illegal Immigration can be fixed without a wall (people come here for lots of reasons but one thing that keeps them here is that US citizens are paying them the money that they live on and send to the home countries), affordable single-payer health care and prevention plan can be done (MEDICARE/MEDICAID is a good example), not allowing deregulation of financial industries (which will only victimize consumers). The need for a very strong regulation and investigative oversight like the CFPB to protect the people is paramount. National infrastructure legislation, way overdue and dangerous to continue to ignore puts lives at risk.
The list goes on with climate and environmental regulations, and the lack of engagement on these and other issues such as, minimum wage, equal pay, women's reproductive rights, LBGT rights, and racial equality, is governed by a legislative body, Congress, that is largely controlled by special interests agendas.


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