November 9th

Politics regarding the Presidential Election have really divided the country. In my opinion, the complete lack of any qualifications in the case of Donald Trump makes him a non-starter as President. he would not be the most dangerous and destructive man in the US, he would be such in the whole world as well. Somehow, I think most people understand that at some level. The problem then becomes the "unlikeability" or downright "hatred" for the other candidate shown by a predominantly white, male, extreme right wing segment of the voting population. Unquestionably, there are also millions that are not voting for Hilliary because of her negatives and other issues which include the fact that she is a woman, Bill's wife, text messages, and all the 'Gates and Bengazi accountability.
A lot of the anti-Hilliary sentiment is because she is a Clinton, then there is the fact that she is a woman (like I strongly suspect was the case for our first African American President - irrational racism) and our male oriented, manly disdain for women in power and authority). Someday in the future maybe that will change. But so far we need men and women to go forward more as equals, really as equals, if we are to achieve or potential as a democratic nation.
Bottom line, the choice is between to two and Hilliary is the more experienced and competent to be president, a safer choice by far. What will become of our political landscape over the next four years will depend on what happens to the down ticket candidates on the Democratic slate being successful enough to change the dynamic in Congress.
My gut feeling is that Clinton is going to win and that Democrats will make some gains in Senate and House. I think all the press and poll drama has not really changed whom thoughtful and concerned Americans are going to vote for in this election. Clinton is sane and responsible, Trump is not sane and totally irresponsible and dangerous.
So, on November 9th we will have a new President and, in all likelihood, a more widely divided and extreme electorate. It is going to great statesmanship and a lot of help and support from all of our elected leaders to make the transition happen peacefully and with hope for bipartisanship to more forward on the major issues before Congress.

Young service academy members across the land put service before self year after year. All our service men and women deserve the best leadership and confidence in our government agencies and departments. Confidence that America truly represents the ideals of freedom and liberty under the law and for all American citizens.


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