American Power and Influence on the World Stage

 The United States has maintained a forward presence over much of the globe since the end of WW II. Japan, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Philippines, United Kingdom, Turkey, and other locations where we based forces and facilities, along with fleets of ships year round for just over 70 years. Through the years we and the other WW II allies managed to rebuild Germany and Japan into stable democratic partners and global economic powers. Other nations have dwindled in the extent of their military power but maintained their strategic value, the United Kingdom for example.
 This power projection on the part of our Navy Fleets and physical presence in Germany, Japan, and South Korea, have been the basis of keeping the free world, freedom seeking and emerging nations, at some degree of security to seek some form of independence.
 All the while, there has been unending strife, wars, police actions, famines, coups, invasions, ongoing across all the decades. In the majority of these outbreaks, the US responded in some fashion. These responses over the years have cost lives of US citizens, servicemen and women, and untold billions of dollars. The economic cost also included lost opportunities to invest more money into our own national interests and reduce the tax burden levied to support the military and foreign aid to nations in crisis.
 Despite the immense cost in lives, treasure and lost opportunities for our own people, these national defense efforts, and the clear commitment of the US to stand behind our allies have preserved the free world from far greater consequences and helped minimize the danger to all mankind.
 We have not always decided wisely, nor have we always been successful in achieving the desired result of our actions. But, if not us, whom?
 Finally, to the point. All these years of deciding what to do, where and how to do it, how much and how long to do it, and with whom to do it or be able to count on to support the US, takes a leader and decision  maker who is of the most thoughtful and considering nature. Someone who works at knowing what is going on the world over, up to date and schooled by their Presidential briefings and their own inquiring minds. Someone who is thinking and caring about everyone else and not himself or herself, a cool and level headed man or woman who will balance all and come to a decision that leads to decisive action and positive results with consideration for all the risks and cost. A leader who will stand by their decision no matter what the consequences. The leader who will decide these matters of great import to the US, our allies, and all of the nations of the world, is not Donald Trump, of that I am absolutely sure. 


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