What will be the prospects for Americans this time next year, 2017?

Another year has passed and we are a world with a full plate of issues and concerns. It is a long list. Climate Change, Immigration, Muslim fundamentalism and thuggery – ISIS and al Qaeda, IRAQ and Afghanistan US military commitments, China flexing its military muscles and expanding its influence in the Western Pacific, and the list goes on. Internally, the 2016 Presidential Campaign has provided convincing evidence that national level politics have gone awry in a big way. Politicians making personal attacks and outrageous statements, and winning in the national polls. There is no civil discourse among the opposing sides. The entire run-up to the primaries has centered on Donald Trump and his vision of American greatness and the general and often specific unworthiness of his rivals and opponents.
Generally, concerned Americans are voicing their disgust with Congress for not doing its business. There is no bi-partisanship or moderation among the steady polarization of the parties on issues large and small. In my opinion, the influence of money from the super wealthy, corporations, and lobbyists for special interests, has completely bought the political process. The needs of the country and its people is of little regard and critical agendas on defense, national infrastructure that is crumbling and aging, immigration policy, etc., go unaddressed.
One thing is certain, there will be a new president, and some new senators, and all the representatives are up for re-election. So, all these candidates had better be ready to give us something to make them worthy of a vote of confidence and trust.

So will 2017 be the Great Undoing? Repeal of Affordable Health Care, end Medicare/Medicaid, delay and modify Social Security, begin rounding up illegal immigrants and deporting them, barring Muslims, building the Wall of Walls between US and Mexico, boots on the ground (again) in Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan, endorsement or declaration of US as a Christian Nation intolerant of other faiths, a white nation suspicious and untrusting of all people of color, declaring abortion and women’s health issues something subject to religious test and intrusion of values, and a general denial of freedom and equality for those Americans considered to be unworthy and useless?


  1. The actions after a presidential election rarely match the rhetoric leading up to the election. (I hope). I find the process we are observing to be very discouraging. The ridiculous cast of characters and the misrepresention of facts is not new in US history but the US seems to be achieving new heights in political comedy. I think this country should be able to produce a better leading candidate than Mr. Trump. I just do not understand why so many people consider him to be a serious candidate. Jim, I guess I will find out how many of your friends are Trump supporters as they blast me. I would never say this on Facebook or I would lose more friends LOL. Basically, I am not happy with any of the candidates (both parties) and I can't believe that I am thinking that Romney is looking good to me now. I could discuss this topic for hours with you but I guess I need to address your title concerning prospects for 2017. Here goes...I think that the Republicans will not have Mr. Trump as their candidate but not sure who will carry the banner. Hilliary Clinton will win the general election but the Republicans will still have majorities in the House and Senate. Therefore, there will be still be a gridlock in Washington for another 4 years with minor movement on major issues. Hope I am wrong but that is my discouraging prediction.


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