Letter to My Congressman

Representative, literally or figuratively, serving the Nation's best interests

Dear Congressman: You are my elected representative to Congress, the House of Representatives, and as such you are doing a good job of reporting your activities and seemingly complete alignment with President Trump's leadership, rhetoric, and have not commented on his twitter postings. You have enthusiastically supported all of the Republican initiatives and prepared some of your own bills. You are energetic and enthusiastic and work hard in being visible in the district. So far, so good. 
What is not so good is that in supporting the GOP agenda you have supported very flawed and misleading legislative activities on Health Care and now are touting the Tax Reform agenda. All of these major undertakings being proposed with little detail, no open hearings, no debate on the pros and cons. The healthcare efforts were deplorable and handled with total indifference to the real harm the GOP proposals would do to millions of Americans. There is no glory in cutting health care programs when you as Congressmen and women exempt yourselves and seem to focus on budget savings and deficit reduction as the primary goal rather them the overall health care issues of the country as a whole. 
In the case of the Tax Reform, it most certainly is going to benefit mightily the richest of the rich and provide new loopholes and measures to preserve their wealth and increase it, especially our wealthiest taxpayers such as the President who proudly says he legally pays no taxes. In fact, he still will not reveal his tax returns so who knows. 
The leadership of our Party in Power in Congress is working the tax reform proposal to be passed with little or no hearings, bipartisanship, or with any sense of presenting a balanced explanation of the real benefits of reducing taxes across the board, shifting tax burdens and removing tax credits for states with income tax. 
Anyhow, it is early days and the enthusiasm for all the great things this is going to do for the middle and lower/underclass taxpayers is being overly touted when the numbers billions saved by the corporations and investors and bankers and billionaires are enormous and will add tremendously to the deficit but of cross that is being explained away because of all the economic growth our wealthy class, investors, banks, industries, etc., will throw out to the rest of us by way of more jobs (including better pay up and down the pay scale?) 
Bottom line. I would appreciate you much more if you used your tremendous energy, education, experience in politics, apparent devotion to our country's welfare to telling the absolute truth, to reassure us that you have done all you can to find the truth about the cost/benefit of this legislation, and that you can report what you believe is in our best interest regardless of the arm-twisting and bullying of the whip and the leader. 
As it is I read what you report and just see the party line and the one-sided propaganda that has been going on too long by both parties. It is not just about ideology, conservative principles, us versus them, it is about doing the best you, Rep Gaetz, can do to help all the people succeed and have basic rights and protections. The wealthy have a pretty strong hold on their own welfare and hand in favorable legislation as do special interests and big industries. What about the rest of us? Is it just plain indifference or disrespect for the importance of our interests that allows misrepresentations and falsehoods to be an integral part of "selling" us the "benefits" of a proposed bill. 
I think there is hope for courageous, independent thinkers, a representative who is honest to a fault, who does his hard work and research to find the truth behind the hype and politics and serves all our interests and not just his or her own in some effort to reach a higher position of influence and political power. I want to believe you are that man, that representative who is fair-minded and grounded in seeking and telling us the truth no matter where the chips fall. Thanks for serving and continued success in becoming the best Representative in Congress. 


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