Arguing About Gun Control

My life experience has me convinced that any reckoning for the people who kill other people, for whatever reason, will be after death and decided by God's judgement. 
Living each day with the memories of all the men, women, and children killed in acts of violence is terrible burden for all of us to bear. 
We should do what we can to minimize guns in the hands of citizens who are not so innocent - people who are spouse abusers, documented mental health issues/problems, felons convicted of violent crimes, etc. 
It is not, and should not be about citizens in good standing owning guns. It should be about gun owners being responsible and safeguarding their weapons.
We should do all we can to see that guns purchased by citizens are registered, and each time that gun legally changes hands, it is documented and registered in the new responsible owner's name. Making it easier and less restrictive, and Congress outlawing registration records of gun owners from being in legal database, is not a solution to making it safer for gun owners and non-gun owners, alike.


  1. Effective gun control in our lifetime is unfortunately unlikely. The gun culture in our country is to pervasive. If that is coupled with the distrust in big government, you have an environment right now that is to resistant to any improvements to gun control such as improved data bases. I thought the Sandy Hook shooting might result is some movement in this area but it did not nationally. What kind of incident will it take to do such things as get military grade assault rifles and expanded clips off the streets? I listened to Senator Graham on Meet the Press who seemed to have a good idea. At the state level there is a mass of accumulated data on mental health incidents, felons, etc that could be fed into a national data base on restricting individuals in buying guns. However, once again, there would be too much resistance to a big government watchdog over that data. So we will continue to do what we do which is very little to attack the problem of 353 mass shooting in the US as of a week ago or the 12000+ deaths to gun violence this year so far. I guess I better go buy a gun to defend myself and my family. Geez!


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